Monthly Archives: January 2018

Aaaaand We’re Back!

The site went down on Friday after I tried to do a little bit of “emergency surgery” on the blog due to a malware infestation, and I accidentally cut the wrong thing. I had to more or less completely rebuild the blog from scratch and port over the posts and pages from the old blog to this new one. However, we’re back in action and malware-free — for now. You know how porous WordPress’ security features are.

This little hiccup prevented me from spending meaningful time on creating additional posts this weekend, but I have a few more up my sleeve. I’ll start working on them as I can.

Newberg-Dundee Bypass: Opening Day

Finally! After decades of planning and years of construction, I have posted to my highways blog!

Oh, and speaking of decades of planning, the Newberg-Dundee Bypass opened to auto and truck yesterday at the crack of 5 AM. To celebrate the momentous and rare occasion of the opening of a brand-new state highway, I took a drive down to Dundee to test out the new road — and take a ton of photos along the way. Rather than spam AARoads’ bypass thread with the 60+ photos I’ve curated (after taking more than 1200!) I figured I’d use this blog as intended — to report on highway developments in the state. Duh.

Continue reading Newberg-Dundee Bypass: Opening Day